July 28, 2018

Banquet/Formal Dinner Menus - Royal Research

Menu for 1909 Nobel Prize Banquet
Photo Credit: By Grand Hôtel in Stockholm, Sweden [CC BY-SA 2.5 ], via Wikimedia Commons
One of the most important parts of any dinner is the menu. You will find that nowadays formal dinners usually consist of 3 or 4 courses. Whereas a half a century ago, they were normally 5-7 courses.

3 Courses
4 Courses 
5 Courses 
6 Courses
7 Courses 
10 Courses 

  • Royal Menus (Blog) - A Private Collection of Historic Royal Menu Cards
  • Nobel Prize (Website) - They list the menu for every Nobel Prize Banquet from 1901-present
  • Bush White House (Website)- Menus from the Bush administration (2001-2009) 
  • Jimmy Carter Library (Website) - State Banquet Menus (1977- 1980)

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